2024 Annual Membership Meeting

2024 Annual Rainy Lake Conservancy Annual General Meeting
August 11 202, 2 p.m. CDT at La Place Rendez-Vous, Fort Frances

Dr. Michael Rennie, Canada Research Chair in Freshwater Ecology and Fisheries at Lakehead University, will be guest speaker at this year’s annual general meeting. Dr. Rennie will talk about the Walleye fishery in Northwestern Ontario. He’ll touch on stresses posed by climate change, fishing, and species invasion, but will focus mainly on the potential role of the spiny water flea in the long-term changes of Northwestern Ontario Walleye populations. Most people around here know what walleyes are! We either love to catch them and/or eat them, so learning more about their future from an expert is bound to be interesting.
The Annual General Meeting gives the public an opportunity to learn more about the Rainy Lake Conservancy, meet new and old friends and socialize after the meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend.